"REMMSO" expressed its concern about the problem of mines and their effects in Western Sahara


The international network called on, the Moroccan state to take responsibility for removing and clearing the areas west wall of mines and cluster bombs and explosive remnants of war, as well as the signing of agreements to ban landmines, cluster bombs and abide by them.

"REMMSO" declared in its statement "the absolute and unconditional solidarity with mine victims in Western Sahara and supporting their families. The network invited Morocco to pledge to provide social, health and physical Guarantees which would alleviate the suffering of mine victims.

It also called for the need to remove the wall that constitutes a humanitarian catastrophe and disarmament of all mine and determine their locations.

 The International Network for the Study of the effects of mines and walls in Western Sahara "REMMSO" expressed its concern about the problem of mines and their effects in Western Sahara
The statement expressed "serious concern about mines and cluster bombs that pose a threat and a danger to the region and the Sahrawi citizens saying that mines are so widely spread in chaos in Western Sahara"

Abejas entrenadas serán capaces de encontrar minas en Croacia

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